Our Initiatives

We Mean Business

The South Shore Chamber of Commerce has a strong business alliance and coordinates efforts with elected officials, the City of Chicago, and other community partners.

Programs we offer in the South Shore Chamber of Commerce

  • MWBE Certifications
  • Business Builders 12 Week Cohort
  • Young Professionals Network
  • Special Service Area #42 (SSA #42)
  • Neighborhood Development Center
  • South Shore Front N’ Center

We help implement the City’s Neighborhood Small Business Growth Strategy. As a Neighborhood Development Center, we can assist with:

  • Information about a particular neighborhood Starting a new business
  • Troubleshooting City-related issues for small businesses
  • Connecting businesses to financial resources
  • Business-to-business networking opportunities
  • Employment and workforce development assistance
  • Consumer marketing assistance
  • Connecting your business to the local community
South Shore Chamber of Commerce Programs

Service Provider for SSA #42


SSA #42 provides enhanced services along 71st St. and Stony Island Ave, in addition to those offered by the City of Chicago.

Special Service Area #42 is proud to release Requests for Proposals for the following services:

Snow Removal, Litter Abatement, Landscaping, Security and Auditor Services. The contract period is for January 1 through December 31, 2021. Please click here to download all RFPs.

SSA #42 (Special Service Area #42) is the local business district that funds the expanded services and programs through a localized property tax levy within a contiguous area. The South Shore Chamber of Commerce is the proud service provider of SSA #42. 

What is a Special Service Area?
Special Service Areas are localized tax districts that fund expanded services and programs through a localized property tax levy within a contiguous area. The enhanced services are in addition to those currently provided
through the city.
Special Service Area #42 is the result of the effort of 5th ward Alderman Leslie A. Hairston and South Shore Chamber Economic Development, Inc.
SSA #42 Boundaries
  • 71st from Kimbark Ave. to South Shore Drive
  • Stony Island 67th to 73rd on the Eastside
  • Stony Island 67th to 79th on the Westside

Visit their website

SSA #42 Partnership

In partnership, SSA #42, Local Market and the South Shore Chamber completed the Feeding South Shore program. This program was designed to support the most vulnerable residents in South Shore during the COVID-19 crisis. Feeding South Shore provided fresh meats and produce to over 1,000 families in our community through contactless deliveries. The program was funded by SSA #42, Verizon, McCormick Foundation and the Chicago Advertising Federation. To learn more about the Feeding South Shore program see the link below.

Strategic Objectives:

Deliver fresh groceries to the most vulnerable Seniors, the medically fragile and families – to more than 1,000 people for four weeks.

Maintain Local Market grocery store personnel through a specified period (May – June) by redistributing their reduced work hours to prepping and delivering food for the Feeding South Shore program.

Underscore the need for a permanent delivery service at Local Marke by urging Instacart to redress a delivery service inequity.

Provide a wonderful example of private, public and nonprofit sector collaboration to create a positive impact on society.

Were the objectives achieved? Yes.

As a result of Feeding South Shore, Instacart, a national grocery delivery and pick-up service, has committed to a delivery service partnership with Local Market Foods, effective June 24. This new partnership affords Local Market Foods with a new revenue stream and redresses the delivery infrastructure inequity, which is a boon for South Shore residents. 
More than 1,500 vulnerable neighbors were given fresh, nutritious food that could feed a family of four, delivered at their doors, at no cost to the recipient. Combined with the partnership with the University of Chicago during the looting period, nearly 10,000 fresh meals were delivered.
Note: Please feel free to share with your respective stakeholders. 

Local Market Foods store personnel work hours were modified to regular hours due to the Feeding South Shore program (at the onset of the pandemic). 

Due to Feeding South Shore’s success, more than $25,000 in funding for the program will be collected.

The private, public and nonprofit sector collaboration created a positive impact on South Shore. Special thanks to Local Market Foods, Special Service Area #42, Verizon, Robert R. McCormick Foundation, CAF and personal donations across the nation.

Black Entertainment Television (BET) and other media platforms leveraged Feeding South Shore as their “Volunteer Day”

Feeding South Shore FAQ

What is Feeding South Shore?
In partnership with Special Service Area# 42 (SSA42)Local Market Foods, Verizon Communications and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Feeding South Shore is a four-week food program that offers fresh free food with free delivery service to more than 1,000 most vulnerable neighbors in the South Shore community every Tuesday, starting May 12, 2020 – June 2, 2020. 
What is the goal? 
The goal is multiprong: a) deliver fresh groceries to the most vulnerable – seniors, the medically fragile and families – at no cost to more than 1,000 people for four weeks; b) maintain employees at Local Market Foods store by redistributing their lost work hours to prepping and delivering food for Feeding South Shore; c) underscore the need for a permanent delivery service at this store, and d) provide a wonderful example of private, public and nonprofit sector collaboration to create a positive impact on society
Please explain the role of special Service Area #42 (SSA42)
The function of the Special Service Area #42 71st/STONY COMMISSION is to advise the city on appropriate special service area (SSA) programs and costs. SSAs are geographic districts that fund expanded programs and services within a City-designated area through property tax levies. These services are provided in addition to those already provided by the City. SSA#42 is funding Feeding South Shore approx. $18,000.
Please explain the role of Verizon
 Feeding South Shore is well aligned with both Verizon’s current support of small businesses in the face of COVID-19 and our ongoing advancement of workforce development programming. This initiative also provides a wonderful example of private, public and nonprofit sector collaboration to create positive impact in society. Verizon is donating $15,000 to this initiative. 
Please explain the role of the Robert R. McCormick Foundation
This venerable organization knows the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected our communities of color, and ensuring our neighbors have access to meals is just one way the McCormick Foundation is supporting area residents during these unprecedented times. They are proud to support the South Shore community and the Local Market Food’s effort to preserve jobs and provide groceries to those in need. The McCormick Foundation is sponsoring a senior location in South Shore to receive more than $1,500 in groceries with free delivery. 
Please explain the role of Local Market Foods
Local Market Foods co-owner Eva Jakubowski is committed to ending hunger and providing jobs to underserved areas. Eva has prepared more than1,000 bags of nutritious and healthy foods for the most vulnerable segments in South Shore at no cost to recipients. The prepared grocery bags can feed a family of four. Mrs. Jakubowski will be utilizing her store personnel to deliver free food. This initiative keeps her employees from being laid off due to a portion of her business being impacted by COVID19. Her hot meal bar, juice bar and wine and beer bar were impacted due to COVID, limiting staff hours at her grocery store.
What safety precautions are being used in preparing and delivering food?
All Local Market Foods personnel who prepare food will wear face masks and gloves for safety precautions. Social distancing is also practiced during food deliveries. 
When does Feeding South Shore start and end? 
Feeding South Shore starts Tuesday, May 12 and ends June 2. Food will be delivered at prearranged locations every Tuesday at no cost. 
Who receives the food donation?
Feeding South Shore was created to serve the most vulnerable residents – seniors, low-income families, the medically fragile and Chicago Public School children in the South Shore area. 
What is the value of the food?
Prepared grocery bags contain fresh meat, vegetables, dairy, food staples, canned goods and more, valued up to $40, with free delivery service. Feeding South Shore can feed a family of four.  
Who will deliver the food? 
 South Shore’s new Local Market grocery store co-owner Eva Jakubowski will utilize store personnel for delivery service. 
How many people will receive food and how often? 
We are feeding more than 1,000 families in South Shore, which includes, but not limited to, seniors, low-income families, the disabled, rescue center(s) and local CPS students. Depending on the size of the group at each location, some can enjoy free groceries twice in May, as each delivery can feed a family of four.
How many delivery trucks will be employed?
There are up to four refrigerated delivery trucks commissioned for this program. Deliveries will be made on a weekly basis. 
How was the designated list of recipients determined? 
In collaboration with community stakeholders, along with predetermined segments (seniors, the disable, low-income families, school children), determination was made based on community stakeholders’ recommendations and City of Chicago health statics relative to vulnerable populations. Recipients are representative of South Shore. 
How will this program help those who are most vulnerable? 
This program addresses several issues in the community: 
  1. Due to stay-at-home restrictions, we are helping seniors who are most vulnerable to the pandemic. By providing this group with free groceries and delivery service, we have successfully reduced their out-of-home activities. 
  2. We are helping those who may have been placed on furlough, laid off or waiting on unemployment assistance to feed their families. 
Primary delivery locations, starting May 12 at 9:30am (every Friday in May): 
  • Senior Suites, 2355 E. 67th Street, Chicago, IL, 60649 •
  • Senior Suites of Rainbow Beach, 2804 E. 77th Place, Chicago, IL 60649
  • Good Shepherd Manor, 6720 S. Cornell Avenue, Chicago, IL 60649
  • Family Rescue, 6822 S. Ridgeland Ave, Chicago, IL 60649 
  • Montclair Senior Residence, 1200 E. 78th & Woodlawn Street, Chicago, IL 
  • O’Keefe School of Excellence, 6940 S. Merrill Avenue, Chicago, IL 60649
  • The Parkways, 6718 S. East End, Chicago, IL 60649 
How will this program be monitored? 
  • Every designated property will be required to sign a grocery delivery invoice for proof of delivery. 
  • SSA#42 Commissioner(s) and the Chamber of Commerce will be notified via call/text relative to completed deliveries. 
  • Weekly conference call/meetings to discuss gaps, engagement and milestones with Local Market Foods owner, Eva Jakubowski. 
How would you define success? 
  1. Increased work hours for Local Market Food store employees, reducing potential layoffs. 
  2. Created a delivery service in an area that historically has been under serviced by delivery service providers (e.g. Instacart). 
  3. Supported local business with resources and funding. 
  4. Increased Local Market Foods store traffic subsequent to relaxed stay-at-home restrictions by the City of Chicago. 
  5. Created positive sentiment from the community. 
Was the goal accomplished? 
Short answer. Yes! 
  1.  As a result of Feeding South Shore, Instacart, a national grocery delivery and pick-up service, has committed to a delivery service partnership with Local Market Foods. This new partnership affords Local Market Foods with a new revenue stream and redress the delivery infrastructure inequity at Local Market Foods store which is a boon for South Shore residents. 
  2.  Local Market Foods store personnel’s previously shortened hours due to the pandemic were modified with regular hours due to the Feeding South Shore program.  
  3. The private, public and nonprofit sector collaboration created a positive impact on South Shore. Special thanks to Local Market Foods, Special Service Area #42, Verizon and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation. 
  4. More than 1,000 vulnerable neighbors were given fresh, nutritious food, delivered at their doors, at no cost. 
To learn about Feeding South Shore, check out these media links: 
Media Contact: 
Amena Karim, South Shore Special Service Area 42# Commissioner and Feeding South Shore Administrator Amenakarim932@gmail.com 
If I want to donate or match funds, who should I contact? 
 Please send all inquiries to the South Shore Chamber of Commerce at www.southshorechamberinc.org 
 If I have additional questions regarding Feeding South Shore, who should I contact? 
Please send all inquiries to Feeding South Shore Program Stewart and Special Service Area Commissioner #42 Amena Karim at amenakarim932@gmail.com 
South Shore Chamber Contact Edie Moore, SSA#42 Program Manager emoore@southshorechamberinc.org 
If I want to be on a future list to receive free groceries in the future, who do I contact? 
Please send all grocery delivery inquiries to Local Market Foods co-owner, Eva Jakubowski, at eva@localmarketfoods.com